Our Leadership
Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School, Granada Hills thrives because of the talents, commitment and dedication of our members. Church leadership is provided by a Church Council who sets the direction of the community and leads in fulfilling our mission: To know Christ, to make Christ known. In addition, we have a dedicated staff that help make our church community special.
Please feel free to reach out to any member of the Council or staff if you have questions, ideas or concerns about life at Bethlehem Lutheran.
Church Council
Pastor: Rev. Megan Fryling (pastor@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Council President: Janet Puchlik (president@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Vice President: Laureen Gleason (vicepresident@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Secretary: Marilyn Fursman (secretary@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Treasurer: Ruth Irwin (treasurer@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Social Ministry: Mary Fisher (socialministry@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Youth and Education: Carla Cross (youthandeducation@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Worship and Music: Dianne Tillman (worshipandmusic@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Preschool: Emily Carlson (preschoolchair@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Fellowship: Connie Troe (fellowship@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Non-Council Team Leaders
Stewardship Team Leader: Scott Fisher (stewardship@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Property and Grounds: Ben Cross (property@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Evangelism: Pam Shea (evangelism@bethlehehemlutheran.net)
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
12227 Balboa Boulevard
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Office: (818) 360-4777
Email: office@bethlehemlutheran.net