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Bethlehem Lutheran Church | Member Resources

12227 Balboa Boulevard
Granada Hills, CA 91344
(818) 360-4777

Member Resources

Here's How To Join Our Online Worship:

  1. Go to
  2. This will open a Facebook page. Don’t worry, you don’t need a Facebook account to watch the live stream. Facebook may appear persistent with requesting that you join. Just ignore it.
  3. On the new page, below the picture, there will be a list of videos.
  4. Click on the video labeled with the video that you’d like to watch. It may take a minute to load, have patience. You might need to click on the name of the video and not the image.
  5. If the live stream isn’t working for you at the exact time, you are able to come back and watch the video at a later time using the same steps above.

Monthly Church Newsletters


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
ELCA Good Gifts
Lutheran Social Services (Southern California)

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

12227 Balboa Boulevard
Granada Hills, CA 91344
Office: (818) 360-4777

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